Aug 7, 2009

Early August Trip

I had another great trip up to San Simeon. Here are a few photos.

It was overcast on Saturday as we sailed up to San Simeon. By 10 AM the next day it was beautifully clear. As we sailed south of Point Piedras Blancas I took this photo of the rock. Doesn't it look like a dragon?

As we continued north along the coast north of the point the fishing boat "Admiral" went by. They had been on a two day trip fishing north of Piedras Blancas. Behind them is La Cruz Rock.

At 4:45 PM we were offshore from Salmon Creek Canyon. Here's the view of the mountains to the north just before we turned back. It was perfect weather all day long. This is unusual for summer when haze or even fog is common.

Next morning the fog cleared at 8:30 AM. Later the fog tried to come back and reached as far as the pier but it stayed sunny and bright where we were anchored.
Things were perfect as we headed back to Morro Bay. We are making 5 knots with just the staysail and mainsail. The water is smooth; no swells and hardly any whitecaps. Far in the distance you can see Point Buchon which is south of Morro Bay (25 miles away). That's how good the visibility was that afternoon.

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